Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

Non Surgical Treatments FAQ

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

I have dark hollows beneath my eyes and would really like fat transfer.

Does the breast have to be a certain size to allow for fat transfer?

I am looking for Coleman fat transplant to repair a temporal defect incurring from traumatic head injury.

I would like to know what are my best options for breast enlargement, skin peel and secondary rhinoplasty?

If I had fat transfer into my breast, if I lost weight could I lose my breast size as well?

I had a hyaluronic acid based filler injected into my lips one and a half year ago and it has not all disappeared.

I want to transform my face into an oval one.

I would like a fat transfer from my stomach to my bum.

I have a serious case of dark circles, I would like to get rid of these.

I would like to know the price for hyaluronic acid Injected into lips?

I have one very deep vertical frown line and it is getting worst as I age.

My dark circles and hollowness is due to the thin skin under my eyes.

I have suffered trauma to the bridge of my nose which has left a discoloured scar.

I have dark circles under my eyes, will the fat transfer hide them?

Is it available for the fat to be transferred to your bottom and if so how much?

My chin protrudes a little especially when looking at it from the side when I smile.

Because I am very slim, my cheeks are hollow and have no fat.

I would like to know the price for fat transfer to buttocks.

I am interested in fat transfer to buttocks and hips.

Which type of grafting method do you use and is it stem cell enriched?

What procedures are there to remove under eye dark circles?

I have hereditary cheek dents, can fat transfer help?

I dislike my pointed tip and bump and I am considering nose surgery.

Do you offer non surgical nose job treatments using dermal fillers?

My partner is 23 years old and suffered terrible acne in his teenage years.

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757