Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I want to reduce the bridge of my nose and nasal tip.
I am interested in fat transfer to the calf region.
Could a fat transfer give me the hourglass shape?
I am interested in the chemical peel and need to know the price.
I am thinking about having fat transferred from my stomach into my buttock.
Do you offer the hyaluronidase injection, how much does it cost?
I am just inquiring if you do fat transfer to the face, if so how much would it cost?
Can I have fat injections in my dark circle area and the dips in the jowl area?
Do you perform a pre jowl implant?
I have dents on both hips, or what might be called a gluteal depression.
How much would it cost to dissolve some hyaluronic acid from my nose?
I am distressed by the hollows in my tear troughs
Is fat transfer used for treating rolling scars present on cheeks?
Am I a suitable candidate for a brow lift at the age of 22?
I am 17 years old and I want to get fat transfer.
I have been searching for a treatment to reduce or completely remove my dark under eyes.
I would like to undergo a chemical peeling TCA to remove a scar on my arm.
I have puffy under eyes at the top of cheek.
Can Obagi Nu-Derm scar? I heard if it is not done properly, it can leave scars.
Since I was 11 I have had extreme veins and a little bit of black bags under my eyes.
I had cold sores around my mouth about 6 weeks ago and have now been left with dark shadowing.
Do you offer the hyaluronidase treatment and how much would your costs be?
I had Sculptra and I am left with a visible lump in one side.
I am interested about the price for Restylane injections?
Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Breast surgery
Body contouring
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