Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I am experiencing dark circle under my each eye and I would like to have them removed.
Should I have a second opinion on my revision rhinoplasty?
What is the price for smas facelift with perhaps a little fat transfer?
Do you do chin augmentation with fillers?
I have noticed really deep dimples on both buttocks.
I have undifferentiated autoimmune disease, is fat transfer ok for me?
Can you transfer fat from stomach to buttocks?
I am eager to have a go with punch excision on a deep ice pick scar at the tip of my nose.
How much is a brazilian butt lift?
I have an hollow area towards the outer part of eye socket.
I am considering getting the Brazilian butt lift?
How much is fat transfer fom my abdominal region to my butt?
Does Fraxel treatment can affect other parts of our body?
I take warfarin but am very unhappy with my buttock area. Am I able to undergo fat transfer?
What is the cost for fat transfer to buttocks from tummy?
I have strong ridges on my brow and wanted to know, could they be chiselled down?
I have a big problem with dark circles under eyes, could fat transfer be done?
I am 32 years old and have hereditary severe dark circles.
How much fat on average, would you transfer to the buttocks providing the fat was available?
Do you perform laser resurfacing FaceTite as a procedure?
A patient with hydroxychloroquine use has turned her face grey with pigmentation.
I started realising that my nose is twisted, what shall I undergo and how much it will cost me?
I've done Botox but I can't see the results.
Is it possible to do rasping or shaving on one side of the nose to improve the appearance?
Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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