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The rhinoplasty consultation

Some important decisions. Discussing it through.

Preparing for rhinoplasty consultation

Although anyone that sees a cosmetic surgeon in consultation for rhinoplasty would have given it considerable thought, there are some elements of preparation that will make it a more productive event.

Planning the changes

The purpose of the consultation is on one hand to allow you to crystallise a plan of change that reflects your aspirations and is realistic, and communicate it effectively to the cosmetic surgeon, and on the other hand to give both patient and surgeon the opportunity to decide whether they feel comfortable with each other, for the purpose of the treatment.

rhinoplasty consultation in london

General health

It is also an opportunity to clarify whether there are general health conditions that may need to be optimised before the rhinoplasty surgery, or that represents a significant contraindication.

Ask your questions

Before attending for the consultation, you should write down the regular medication that you take, and a list of questions that you don’t want to miss asking. It is also a good idea to familiarise yourself with common terms used in relation to rhinoplasty.


For some people it is easier to define the goal for the surgery by referring to other people’s nose shape, and in this case it is useful to bring along for the consultation some images depicting the preferred nasal contour. Ideally, try to identify photographs that show front, three-quarter views and profile (side-views).

Realistic expectations

It is not possible to directly replicate the shape of someone else’s nose on your face, and you need to be realistic about this, but it is possible to understand what features of that shape you like, and how they could be incorporated in the design for your treatment.

Identify challenges

Sometimes, the characteristics of the nose in terms of nasal tip skin thickness, shape and fullness of the nostrils, contour of the top part of the bridge, make it impossible to generate a delicate nasal shape through surgery. Your cosmetic surgeon should advise you regarding these limitations.

Discussing risks

The consultation is also the opportunity to find out more about the risks and complications associated with rhinoplasty, about the recovery period and the time you need to take off your work or study.

If there are particular aspects related to your lifestyle that you want to discuss, include them in your list, to make sure that they do not get forgotten.

Bring someone with you

It is always a good idea to be accompanied by a friend or family member during your consultation.

Nobody can remember everything that was discussed at the consultation, but having someone else along with you can help you both with questions during the meeting, and with discussions afterwards.

call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757

call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757

Digital imaging

Over the last nine years, we have focused on using computerised analysis and simulation during the consultation for rhinoplasty, in order to effectively determine the type of changes that patients would like to see happen through their surgery.

Initially, for rhinoplasty consultation we would recommend starting with standard digital photographs, which are taken on the day.

2d rhinoplasty simulation

It is possible to highlight on these photographs contour changes from the front view like narrowing of the tip or bridge of the nose, corrections of deviations, and changes of shape from the profile.

In some instances, it is more difficult for someone to determine their target for change. Sometimes it is because they like in general terms a nasal shape, which does not fit very nicely with the facial shape.

3d image simulation

For this situation, we have pioneered a system of computerised simulation in 3-D, which requires having special photographs taken. If you wish to have this done from the very first consultation, you need to discuss it with the team at our practice, who can help organise the necessary.

Remember that the result of surgery will ALWAYS be different from the computer simulation, since working with elastic materials that change their properties in time, as the nose is, represents a very different scenario from manipulating images.

However, in order to consistently deliver results that approach the shape and size of nose designed at the time of the consultation, we have developed a dimensional rhinoplasty system of work during the surgery.

Learn more about
computerised 3D planning