Adding clarity to the rhinoplasty planning process.
Computer-assisted planning in rhinoplasty is rapidly becoming the tool of choice for rhinoplasty surgeons across the world.
It has been our experience in over nine years of practice, that it represents an immensely valuable communication tool, which brings clarity to a relatively difficult planning process.
Why is it difficult for people to decide what sort of nasal shape they want? Primarily, because most of the time we see ourselves in the mirror, which is a reverse image of ourselves, in photographs taken from very variable angles and often with poor lighting, and because we cannot see our profile without photographs or two mirrors.
Ultimately, for anyone to have a clear understanding of the shape of their nose, it takes accurate photographs from a number of directions, or a three-dimensional photograph.
It is only at that point, that we can construct a more accurate plan for changes, and this is the very basis of computer assisted analysis and procedure planning.
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Computerised simulation in two dimensions, based on standard photographs will allow you to define the degree of change for the tip of the nose, bridge, nostril width and to some extent shape.
It is an interactive process during the consultation, and if you have any doubts regarding the outlined changes, you should always voice them during the consultation.
Sometimes, understanding the appearance from the three-quarter view, or, the difficulty in projecting the changes in space, can mean that the addition of a 3-D imaging and simulation may be of benefit.
For this process, we direct patients to specialised imaging lab where the photographs are taken, and subsequently we use the three-dimensional images during the consultation to define the targets change.
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