Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

Expert Advice

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

How much a neck lift would cost?

I was wondering about the cost for a nose reduction.

All the before and after photos on this website look amazing. Are all these procedures, performed by yourself?

Where do you have your surgeries and what is the cost for a consultation for rhinoplasty?

Your rhinoplasty before and after pictures look amazing. Where is your clinic?

I am interested in having the bags removed from below my eyes. Can you give me the estimated cost?

I am now 30 years old and my insecurity over my nose has not gone away or lessoned with the years.

I was wondering what could be done about long pointed ears as I would like them a bit smaller?

I accidentally whacked myself in the nose and caused a nose bleed. Could have done any damage to the cartilage?

What is the cost of upper and lower eye bag removal?

I've done 3 operations but the doctor did it wrong.

I'm a black female and have been very unhappy with my nose for years.

I was wondering how a rhinoplasty would be treated on a cleft lip patient?

I have extra fat on around my nose. I want to know about surgery cost and procedure.

How much is a nose job and would I be able to pay monthly?

My nose is big and I want to make it smaller.

Where in North Ireland could I get a nose job?

Do you do malar bag removal/excision?

Which is the last price for nose job?

Could I have a price please for the breast augmentation?

Would you consider free surgery if the person can't afford it and it is really damaging their life and confidence?

Can you carry out nose surgery (straightening and tip and width reduction) under local anaesthetic?

I am considering having a face and neck lift and would like some guide as to your charges.

I'm 17 and I'm interested in rhinoplasty.

I would like to make my nose look nice, it is big.

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757