Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

Expert Advice

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

I have a severe diastasis after birth of second child. Is there any other types of surgery to rectify aesthetics of belly button?

I am wondering what the total cost of an otoplasty would be approximately?

I'm wondering how much it will cost to have my eyelids done and how long I would be away from home.

I am 16 at the moment, I would like to get the nose reshaped at 17, is this possible?

How much would it cost to have my whole face to look like someone else?

At what price do beast englargment begin ?

I am only 14 but I really want a nose job an ear correction. Will I have to wait until I am 18?

I wish to get rid of saggy jowls but do not wish to have a facelift as it is too costly.

How much is the buccal fat reduction surgery and a consultation?

I am embarrest of my chin and want to do somethign about it. I would like to know the price of surgery for a receding chin?

How old do you have to be to get Rhinoplasty surgery done?

Do you provide payment plans for breast enlargement?

How much does it cost to get your breast enlarged and where about in Scotland / Fife does the procedure take place?

I have a major facial asymmetry. Can this be corrected using 3D facial sculpting?

Every now and then I get down because I think this is afecting my life style.

My cheeks and eyes are looking hollow. I am interested in a deep skin peel and a fat tansfer.

I'm interested in Rhinoplasty surgery especially to contour a tip of my nose. What would be an approximate cost?

How much does a thigh reduction cost?

My legs are horrible, they are fat and on the shape of an arch. Is there any chance to make them look better?

I have very black deep dark circles. I look always tired. Can you help me?

I'm 16 and I am set on having a nose job. Would you be able to perfom rhinoplasty at this time?

A tattoo artist ruined my upper arm. I desperately need skin grafts.

I am intrested in tummy tuck and fat transfer to buttocks. I also want to know the rough pricing and if you offer finance?

How much would it cost to have a fat removal from my legs, tummy and arms?

Where can I get a nose job done and how much would it cost on average?

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757