Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I would like to know if is it possible increase the nose projection and the dorsum size by using Costal cartilage.
How much would the surgery for nose reshaping usually cost?
I want to have a nose job but i have pacemaker(heart block) can surgery be done?
How old would you have to be to get a nose job? And does it make an actual difference in the results?
With nostril construction is the scarring very bad?
Can the chemical peel solution be applied to the nose? Will it get rid of small blackhead scars if so?
I'm thinking of breast surgery, how can I find out if my health condition is good enough?
Would the scarring that seems to occur cause you any concern if you were to perform a third revision rhinoplasty?
Is there any way to have rhinoplasty without being put under general anesthetic and with local instead?
Does a chemical peel get rid of blackheahs, small dents and light scars?
How much does ethnic rhinoplasty cost?
Could you tell me what are the prices for that surgery? Is it possible to make a monthly plan?
How many rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty procedures you have done in total and this year?
My nose is long, can you shorten it and how?
A NHS surgeon told me that because I have had 2 operations already, he wouldn't advise against a 3rd rhinoplasty.
Is a chemical peel & chin augmentation suitable at the age of 16?
Is there any surgery where your expenses can be covered by the government?
Realistically would it be possible to remove 2-3mm's off the tip of the nose or will that lead to de-strengthening the nose?
I'm on 8 month post op, I had a surgery on my nose tip and it's still hard and swollen. Is it normal after this long time?
How much is it to make your bum bigger?
I'm very attracted to the idea of being able to see what I would look like via digital media. Where about is this based?
I want a nose job but I'm concern a lot about how I gonna look like. Is any possibility to find my apperance before the procedure?
The first operation did not reduce the size of my nose, will that make it problematic to reduce it through a second operation?
I am interested in plastic surgery to reshape my nose, how much would it cost me to do it at your clinic?
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with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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