Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

Expert Advice

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Can I have my nose reshaped even though it is broken and if so would it cost more?

Could you tell me the cost for an ear lobe reduction?

I have dark undereye circles. Is there any treatment or plastic surgery option?

I have had two rhinoplasty operations but still need some work. Do you take on secondary operations?

I have a narrow face and a long chin. Can I get a form on my face?

I am interested in having the buccal fat extraction. How much this procedure would cost?

I would like to know about the price of the breast uplift surgery?

I have acne scarring and wondered if the obagi nu derm would be suitable for all areas?

I would like bodytite liposuction to my stomach, but don't want a general anaesthetic. Is this possible?

How old do you have to be to undergo rhinoplasty?

I want to get the bridge of my nose made a bit wider. What are the costs?

I have asymmetry, my lower jaw sit off to the left and so does my bite.

I am looking into having fat transfer to the buttock area. Would I be a suitable for this surgery?

I am thinking of some work to my thighs? Can you give me an idea of fee for a consultation please?

I am looking to decrease the horizontal dimension of the chin, and increase the vertical dimension.

Can you please advise me regarding estimated healing time and costs for the nasal surgery?

I have suffered over the last few years with a mild form of rhimophyma. Can a normal nose job repair this?

I went under abdominoplasty in 2009 and I am very unhappy with my results. Can I get any surgical fat removal again?

I am considering an upper eyelid surgery to remove some excess skin.

Are you fixing a hanging columella under local anaesthetic?

I'm 16 and I want to straighten out the bump in my nose. Do I need to wait until I'm 18?

I am interested in getting fat grafting to plump up my cheeks a bit. How much does this cost?

How much would it be for a reduction rhinoplasty and how long is the waiting list?

Can you send me information on breast enlargement and the cost of the procedure?

I have horrible black bags under my eyes. What can you suggest?

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757