Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
Would it be possible to have a squarer jaw line using a jaw implant?
How old do you have to be to get a nose job done?
Is there an upper age limit to your services and is your price structure set too particular procedures?
Are you able to perform surgery to reduce the size of a cleft chin?
How much would it cost to have a nose surgery?
I am not able to afford breast surgery, could you tell me if I have any options?
I am considering rhinoplasty and would like find out a bit more?
How much approximately would a liposuction cost?
Would you be able to repair an umbilical hernia and do a tummy tuck in the same operation?
How much is buccal pad removal roughly?
How painful is the nose surgery, how long does it take and how painful is the recovery?
I would like my jaw to be more petit so that my face has more of an oval shape.
Will buccal fat removal make my acne scars look worse?
I am considering to have chin reduction (contouring) with a mid facelift.
I'm wondering if you do fat transfer and would my breasts be ok to have this operation due to the benign cyst?
I would like to know the average price for a fat transfer to reduce the hollow of my eyes?
How much is an apronectomy likely to cost?
My nose it looks better every day. I'm really pleased, you have made me very happy.
How much would a fat transfer would cost?
I would really like a rhinoplasty as my nose is pretty big and maybe dermal fillers or an implant in my right jaw line and chin.
How much does it cost for an arm lift?
Between dermal fillers and fat transfer, which one is better suited for dark circles with tear trough deformity?
I'm interested about the price for breast enlargement.
How old do I have to be to be to have rhinoplasty?
Can I go from a A cup to a D cup?
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Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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