Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

Expert Advice

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Are any of your rhinoplasty before and after photos photoshoped?

I am a male, I am 21 and I am unhappy about my facial asymmetry. The jaw asymmetry and eyes ...

I am interested in rhinoplasty but I was wondering If correcting my nose tip only would be enough

I am interested in Fat Transfer, I have been getting sculptra (which I find is quite good, 2 vials

I made a nose reshaping 2 years ago, but i didn't like the result. Doctor shorted to much

I would like to do a revision to correct an inverted v deformity but can't afford it

Hello, i had a rhinoplasty 2 years ago and the surgeon didn’t do my nose the way i wanted. I …

Is there any procedure you offer sort of half way between rhinoplasty and fillers for a small bump, possibly under local anesthetic?

The asymmetry of my chin/jaw has annoyed me for years.

Hello, hope you're doing great! I had nose surgery few years back but im unhappy still. I am pakistani, surgeon …

I have a really big nose and the bridge of my nose looks very flat.

I am enquiring about a Brazilian butt lift, I'm a petite, slender size therefore I don‘t want my bum enlarged too much.

I am 49 it means that I have started to get jowls which make me look older but also that I'm in a bad mood.

I am a size 8 and my cheeks are very fat to the point I sometimes accidentally bit into sides of them when eating.

I have had a tiny amount of silikon 1000 injected into nose after previous nose surgery with no problems.

Do you perform non surgical nose reshaping?

I have a deviated septum which causes me breathing problems, frequent sinus infections and severe headaches.

I gave birth to twins 7 months ago and have an umbilical hernia.

I am looking to get a nose reshaping, and facial sculpting. Would you recommend I get them together or seperately?

I was wondering if you did brow bone shaving?

I have been looking for a long time now and really want the brazillian butt lift.

I had rhinoplasty about 5 years ago and have been left with a hard lump on the left side of the tip.

Are you able to make a bulbous nose smaller and also the nostrils a bit smaller?

I have a prominent check bone that makes my face look wide and my temples look sunken.

I have thick lips which I like but at the same time my mouth is wide, when I smile it covers half of my cheek.

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