Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I had previous nose surgery and my columella scar did not heal well, can you fix this in office?
How long till you would perform a revision rhinoplasty?
How long it would be before I could go back to work without people noticing I had buccal fat reduction done?
I just wanted to know during rhinoplasty surgery is a tube needed to go down your throat?
Can you attend a consultation when you are 17, to eventually have the procedure when you are 18?
I have dark hollows beneath my eyes and would really like fat transfer.
I broke my nose and I feel like my tip is too big.
Does the advances with 3D imaging now allow for an image of a face to be accurately compared to the measurements within the Golden Ratio?
What is the least invasive and least scarring facelift?
Does the breast have to be a certain size to allow for fat transfer?
I am looking for Coleman fat transplant to repair a temporal defect incurring from traumatic head injury.
I wanted to request some information on ethnic nose reshaping?
I was wondering if you could provide me with some information about BodyTite?
I just wanted to know, is rhinoplasty a one off, permanent thing.
My nose is wide, bone is straight but nostrils are crooked and wide. The tip of my nose is little ahead of my lips.
I had a nose surgery after I broke my nose and I still have slight breathing problems.
Can you tell me if you also fix an asymmetric chin?
I am interested in buccal fat pad removal.
I had an underbite but now I feel that my lower face is very prominent, I would like to have cheek implant surgery.
Many years ago my nose was damaged and my whole profile from the front view has changed.
I want to make my face skinny, it is too fat.
I would like to know what are my best options for breast enlargement, skin peel and secondary rhinoplasty?
Can buccal take away the excess fat, and give me a more contour look?
My nose needs augmentation, it is to small for my face.
I had face and neck lift only one year ago and already the neck is becoming saggy.
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with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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