Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I am interested in fat transfer to buttocks and hips.
I am booked to have extra high profile implants.
My pregnancy has left me with an apron that is so bad.
Which type of grafting method do you use and is it stem cell enriched?
What procedures are there to remove under eye dark circles?
I have hereditary cheek dents, can fat transfer help?
If I am still unhappy with my nose after it has fully healed, do you offer a revision?
Is it possible to undergo facelift and neck lift with just local anaesthesia?
My face is not symmetrical and one side always looks tired.
I dislike my pointed tip and bump and I am considering nose surgery.
After the initial consultation, how long would it be before surgery?
Do you offer non surgical nose job treatments using dermal fillers?
My doctor suggested to have a 3D scan, do you provide such?
I am HIV positive and would like to know which are the possible risks for a rhinoplasty?
If someone got high blood pressure, can still get the rhinoplasty done?
My partner is 23 years old and suffered terrible acne in his teenage years.
What are your experiences regarding removal of a medpore implant and correcting asymmetry
How much would a nose job cost?
I really want to have a rhinoplasty.
Thinking of having my eyes done any advice and prices?
What is the maximun price for a nose job?
I am experiencing dark circle under my each eye and I would like to have them removed.
Would Endotine be suitable for me?
Should I have a second opinion on my revision rhinoplasty?
I would like to reduce the size of my nose both in length and width.
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Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Breast surgery
Body contouring
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