Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

Expert Advice

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

What is the fee for a consultation for neck lift in London?

I am eager to have a go with punch excision on a deep ice pick scar at the tip of my nose.

I bumped the bridge of my nose quite bad and it doesn't look or seem right.

I would like to know the price of face, neck, brow and forehead lift.

How much is a brazilian butt lift?

Is otoplasty surgery in your field of expertise?

I am 26 years old. Is there an age limit on who can have surgery?

What is the best procedure for a saggy turkey neck?

I have an hollow area towards the outer part of eye socket.

Is it possible to achieve the look of a celebrity?

I was just wondering how much would a Brazilian butt be exactly?

I have always had a flat bum and will like to have fat transfer to enhance my look.

I have lax stomach muscles after three children, any suggestions to reduce middle aged spread?

I had rhinoplasty in 2009 but I am still not happy with the tip or nostrils.

I am considering getting the Brazilian butt lift?

Can I have breast enlargement if I have Ehlers Danlos syndrome?

Is it possible to have a second tummy tuck to cut the scarred flesh and lifting flesh up to a new scar?

How much is fat transfer fom my abdominal region to my butt?

Could you possibly give me an idea of rhinoplasty costs?

I would like to discuss costs and procedure for nasal tip reshaping.

I had a surgery on my armpits, I really want the scars and pigment to be improved.

How much would it cost in making the nose smaller?

What is the price range for both ears?

Would it still be the same cost as someone who has a lot of excess fat and skin on the jowls?

The lateral view of my nose is annoying me, because the cartilaginous part of the nose looks protruded.

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757