Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I am wondering if there is any way I could receive free NHS rhinoplasty?
Would you perform rhinoplasty on a developed 16 year old female?
Can you tell me how much it would cost to have a full face and neck lift?
I live in Denmark, how can I arrange a buccal fat pad extraction?
Is it possible to have a breast uplift done when you are obese?
How much does it cost on average to have breast enlargement?
I am 29 and have noticed circles under my eyes.
I am considering a neck lift or some such procedure with a fast recovery time.
I am of West Indian heritage and I am considering having rhinoplasty.
I would like to go to an F but am slightly worried as I am petite build size 8, is this possible?
How much does it cost for a nose shortening?
I am interested in having a neck lift and an otoplasty.
What is the price for rhinoplasty?
I have been thinking of having rhinoplasty done since I was 16.
I am 17 years old, and my nose has a bulbous tip and a wide bridge.
I am very interested in having fat inserted into my breasts from my tummy or thighs.
Is it possible to make the nose look more asian?
My jaw line and cheekbones are not very defined.
I am looking for longer lasting facial fillers.
Is the risk of dental damage high during intubation when general anaesthesia is performed?
I am interested in fat transfer to buttocks from tummy and back.
How long does it take for dissolvable stitches to go?
I have always had saddlebags and despite going to the gym I cannot get rid of them.
Have you performed rhinoplasty on someone with mild facial scoliosis?
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Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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