Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I have dents on both hips, or what might be called a gluteal depression.
I wish to get rid of my nose implant. How much will it cost?
How much would it cost for a chin readjustment and a nose job?
Would I be able to have a nose job at 15?
I am making an enquiry as to whether or not you do the brazilian butt lift?
I am still very bothered about my nose as too much was taken off.
Is it possible to have buccal fat removal while pregnant?
How much would it cost to dissolve some hyaluronic acid from my nose?
I am distressed by the hollows in my tear troughs
I had an unwise and unsuccessful chin implant 6 years ago which had to be removed.
Would I achieve a good result from a one stitch face lift?
Do you do consultations on Saturdays?
I have a rather large forehead, and I would like to lower my hairline by 2 inches.
Might buccal reduction be appropriate to give my face more definition, to highlight my cheek bones and jaw line?
Is fat transfer used for treating rolling scars present on cheeks?
I would like to have breast augmentation but will be starting a family in the next 5 years or so.
Could you let me know the price for a rhinoplasty and for the first appointment?
What age can you get rhinoplasty at?
Can platysmaplasty be performed as tans alone operation, without any other procedures involved?
My nose is a bit bend causing the right side of my nose not to have a small pointy tip.
I had rhinoplasty abroad recently and I am experiencing some supra-tip swelling!
Can a vaser liposuction be done in my case, I have a very big belly I am 123kg?
Is there a operation to reduce the size of my nose?
How much would it cost to slightly reduce both ears?
Can I have my nose done as I loose weight?
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Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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