Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

General Information FAQ

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

what is the total cost of rhinoplasty?

I am going to be 17 years and I want to have nose surgery and cheek reduction.

Can you tell me how much it would cost to have a full face and neck lift?

I live in Denmark, how can I arrange a buccal fat pad extraction?

How much does it cost on average to have breast enlargement?

I am 29 and have noticed circles under my eyes.

I am considering a neck lift or some such procedure with a fast recovery time.

I am of West Indian heritage and I am considering having rhinoplasty.

How much does it cost for a nose shortening?

I am interested in having a neck lift and an otoplasty.

What is the price for rhinoplasty?

Is the risk of dental damage high during intubation when general anaesthesia is performed?

I am interested in fat transfer to buttocks from tummy and back.

Have you performed rhinoplasty on someone with mild facial scoliosis?

I would like to consider facial rebalancing.

How much would chin remodelling be if I would need to have burred down or cut and then shaped?

I am interested in laser and light based treatment to correct dark circles under my eyes.

How much does the rhinoplasty cost?

I am looking into having rhinoplasty, I would just like some clarity.

What type of operation would I have to remove chipmunk cheeks and bullfrog neck?

Do you carry facial feminisation out?

I am planing on doing a face lift, liposuction and breast implants.

I would like to inquire of the average price for rhinoplasty?

I feel as though my chin is too large especially when I smile.

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757