Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

General Information FAQ

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

How much would it cost for an earlobe reduction?

How much is the hyaluron acid injection filler and how long could keep the effects of this treatment?

I am 48 and interested in having my nose reshaped.

Can you tell me roughly the price of an apronectomy?

Can I have a secondary rhinoplasty, after having the first more than a year ago?

I require facial liposuction. How much would this cost?

I am thinking of a facelift and eye bags and lids reduction. Do the prices change?

I would like to get a fat transfer and reduce my nipples. How much would it cost?

How much does it cost a fat transfer to my buttocks area?

I would like to know how much is a nose reshaping surgery?

I am interested in cheek implants and jaw remodelling. How much does it cost?

I want my earlobes made smaller. How much will it cost?

I am interested in buccal fat removal, do you have discounts for students?

I had surgery on my chin and a doctor has completely ruined my face.

Guideline prices for a Brazilian butt lift and vaser liposuction.

I would like to book a consultation to discuss the cost of jaw reduction.

How much is a brazilian bum lift?

I am interested in the fat transfer procedure. Could you give me an estimate price?

I just wanted to know how much would it be for me to get my ears pinned back?

Do you do lip lift and what is the cost of the surgery?

My ears stick out and I do feel very uncomfortable. How much will it cost me for the operation?

I'm interested in a breast enlargement. How much it would cost?

Does the cost of rhinoplasty also include the 3d imagery?

How much a nose reshaping is?

Is there any offers for upper eyelid surgery?

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757