Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

General Information FAQ

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Could you tell me the cost for an ear lobe reduction?

I am interested in having the buccal fat extraction. How much this procedure would cost?

I would like to know about the price of the breast uplift surgery?

I am thinking of some work to my thighs? Can you give me an idea of fee for a consultation please?

I am interested in getting fat grafting to plump up my cheeks a bit. How much does this cost?

How much would it be for a reduction rhinoplasty and how long is the waiting list?

Can you send me information on breast enlargement and the cost of the procedure?

I am wondering what the total cost of an otoplasty would be approximately?

I'm wondering how much it will cost to have my eyelids done and how long I would be away from home.

How much would it cost to have my whole face to look like someone else?

At what price do beast englargment begin ?

I am only 14 but I really want a nose job an ear correction. Will I have to wait until I am 18?

How much is the buccal fat reduction surgery and a consultation?

I am embarrest of my chin and want to do somethign about it. I would like to know the price of surgery for a receding chin?

Do you provide payment plans for breast enlargement?

How much does it cost to get your breast enlarged and where about in Scotland / Fife does the procedure take place?

I'm interested in Rhinoplasty surgery especially to contour a tip of my nose. What would be an approximate cost?

How much does a thigh reduction cost?

A tattoo artist ruined my upper arm. I desperately need skin grafts.

I am intrested in tummy tuck and fat transfer to buttocks. I also want to know the rough pricing and if you offer finance?

Where can I get a nose job done and how much would it cost on average?

I would like to make an appointment for a rhinoplasty consultation.

Do you do surgery for 18 year olds? How much do breast enlargement start from?

I am interested in having a mini neck lift and the costs of such a procedure.

Could a necklift, nose reshaping and ears correction be carried out at the same time, if so would this reduce the total cost?

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757