Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

General Information FAQ

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

How much would a chin remodelling surgery roughly cost?

I would like to have a nose surgery.

I was wondering if a buccal fat removal would help me with my issue?

My cheeks are quite chubby, how much does it cost for a buccal pad removal?

I have chubby cheeks, could buccal pad removal correct this?

I am interested in rhinoplasty and I would like to have a consultation.

Could you give me a typical price for a shortening of the nose, nasal tip reduction and nostril alteration?

I am considering getting the tip of my nose changed as it looks like a ski ramp side-on.

I am considering getting the tip of my nose changed as it looks like a ski ramp side-on.

I am 45, am I too old to have a nose job?

I would love to come to UK for a buccal fat removal.

Do you offer monthly repayment schemes or does it have to be paid in one go?

I want a sharp nose so how much do you charge for nose surgery?

I have a wide nose with a wide bridge, I am looking to have reduction rhinoplasty.

What is the price to transfer fat to my face?

Do you do Aptos threads?

What cosmetic procedure would be right for an extremely round face?

How much is a rhinoplasty?

Do you do mini face lifts under a local anaesthetic?

I am really interested in having a rhinoplasty procedure done.

How much would an endoscopic brow lift cost?

How long does it take, after the initial consultation, to have the actual procedure?

How much would it cost for a mini face lift?

How much does it cost to do a nose surgery?

I am hoping to have tear trough treatment done as I have a shadow under my eyes.

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757