Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

General Information FAQ

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Is it possible to lose your dimples as a result of buccal fat removal?

I am interested in having a nose job, full face lift and facial sculpting, ie: fat transfer to cheeks and maybe around lips.

After 2 rhinoplasty ops I am still not satisfied with the tip of my nose it still hooks over.

I have a round face and since putting on weight I have a much more chubbier face which is very difficult to loose.

I would like to see the results of a nose job based on a 3D picture of myself.

I am looking at having facial implant surgery to chin, cheeks and jaw line.

I have always suffered from big cheeks since I was a child. As I am growing old my face now looks swollen.

How is it possible after jaw surgery to be left with so much asymmetry and what can be done to correct it?

Can you tell me if Adipocytes cells, loose connective tissue and connective collagen fibres are in in the scalp?

I would like to book a consultation to discuss reducing the buccal fat in my cheeks.

I have a very prominent and pointed chin which is evident when looking at my side profile.

Is it possible to make a really big change to a wide nose with bulbous tip?

Do you do any clinics in the Midlands?

I have either a weak chin, or jaw, what procedure will be best to correct my problem?

Do you perform perioral mound removal?

Is it possible for you to tell me what all the different possibilities are for me to improve my facial characteristics?

I want to increase the length of my nose and also want to make it like an Indian actress.

How much would it cost just to have an initial consultation, to get some 3D imaging done?

I am of Pakistani origin and have a nasal hump as well as a bulbous dropping tip that I have been looking to correct for a number of years.

I am interested in having a nose job to correct my asymmetrical nostrils and refine my slightly bulbous tip.

Could cheek implants be a solution for me after suffering from morphea?

I just wanted to know during rhinoplasty surgery is a tube needed to go down your throat?

I broke my nose and I feel like my tip is too big.

Does the advances with 3D imaging now allow for an image of a face to be accurately compared to the measurements within the Golden Ratio?

I want to make my face skinny, it is too fat.

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757