Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
Can I take all images with me after consultation, no matter if I decide to go with the surgery or not?
I am 5 months post op, is it to early to have consultation regarding my revision rhinoplasty?
I actively workout, however for years haven't been able to shift my mid-rift.
How much does a revision rhinoplasty cost?
Do you offer the hyaluronidase injection, how much does it cost?
I am a 22 year old male, and have suffered from dark circles for as long as I can remember.
How much will cost for nose reshaping?
I have Bossae from a previous rhinoplasty, is this likely to get worse?
I am just inquiring if you do fat transfer to the face, if so how much would it cost?
I have done my nose once but I am not happy with the result.
The projection of my nose is too large for my face.
Is there a procedure where the nose muscles that make the nostrils flare, can be slightly tightened?
Do you offer free consultations?
I wish to get rid of my nose implant. How much will it cost?
How much would it cost for a chin readjustment and a nose job?
I am making an enquiry as to whether or not you do the brazilian butt lift?
Is it possible to have buccal fat removal while pregnant?
How much would it cost to dissolve some hyaluronic acid from my nose?
I am distressed by the hollows in my tear troughs
Is fat transfer used for treating rolling scars present on cheeks?
Could you let me know the price for a rhinoplasty and for the first appointment?
How much would it cost to slightly reduce both ears?
Is there a problem of being foreign citizen and have a rhinoplasty done in UK?
Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Body contouring
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