Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I would like to know if there are any solutions to reduce some wrinkles on my forehead, around my eyes and to make my skin look younger?
I am getting fine lines near the eye lashes and am only 19, how can I completely remove them?
Due to atypical facial pain my inner brows have drooped
I am a 24 year old woman with a medium large amount of fat in my cheeks.
Is there any procedure you could recommend for reshaping the nostrils?
I have dark hollows beneath my eyes and would really like fat transfer.
I have one very deep vertical frown line and it is getting worst as I age.
My chin protrudes a little especially when looking at it from the side when I smile.
I have strong ridges on my brow and wanted to know, could they be chiselled down?
I've done Botox but I can't see the results.
I feel as though my chin is too large especially when I smile.
I am interested in nonsurgical face lift.
I am a 46 years old male, can I use botulinum toxin injections?
My jaw line and neck are sagging and I look unhappy all the time.
How much would an endoscopic brow lift cost?
I recently treated a 62 years old lady for crows feet and she has returned with odema round her eyes.
I want to reduce the bridge of my nose and nasal tip.
Am I a suitable candidate for a brow lift at the age of 22?
Could you give me some idea on what you could do on my eye lids, eye bags, wrinkles?
Breast feeding has resulting in my breast shrinking and drooping. Could you suggest treatments?
Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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