Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
How are the jaw angle implants placed?
I am 16 and have always been insecure about my nose as it is quite large.
After 2 rhinoplasty ops I am still not satisfied with the tip of my nose it still hooks over.
I am interested in rhinoplasty procedure.
My tip is very narrow and under projected, would a tip augmentation be ideal?
I had Lasik eye surgery 2 years ago, will having rhinoplasty done cause any problems?
Do you perform closed rhinoplasty if I required tip work only?
I am interested in having my nose contoured but not just yet do you have extensive experience with people of colour?
My eyelids are covering almost half of my pupils, especially when I am tired.
Due to atypical facial pain my inner brows have drooped
I have a bigger upper lip that l need fixed to be smaller, but can l get that done even though l am still only 17?
I am 31 and I would like to do eyebrows lift.
I would like to know your prices for the jowls to be lifted or tighten near the mouth.
Is it advisable to have eyelid surgery before cheek implants?
I have a round face and since putting on weight I have a much more chubbier face which is very difficult to loose.
I would like to see the results of a nose job based on a 3D picture of myself.
I am 67 years old and on Warfarin therapy, would I be eligible for a lower face lift?
I am looking at having facial implant surgery to chin, cheeks and jaw line.
If they remove the bump on my nose would that make it point up, kind of pig nose?
I need a nose job and also a procedure to remove layers of fat around my waist and back.
I have always suffered from big cheeks since I was a child. As I am growing old my face now looks swollen.
Which is the youngest age that rhinoplasty can be done for females?
How is it possible after jaw surgery to be left with so much asymmetry and what can be done to correct it?
I have a cleft chin and I want surgery through the mouth to release the skin from the bone.
Is it possible to have nose tip surgery under local?
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with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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