Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
Are you able to give a more rounded shape to ears that are slightly pointed at the top?
Do you carry facial feminisation out?
I am 57 years old, I am considering breast reduction and neck lift.
My daughter is 17 years old, can she have rhinoplasty with parental consent?
I am planing on doing a face lift, liposuction and breast implants.
I am an Asian guy and I have a small and low bridge nose which does not really match my face.
I had a septoplasty 7 months ago, how long would I need to wait to undergo rhinoplasty?
I would like to inquire of the average price for rhinoplasty?
I feel as though my chin is too large especially when I smile.
How much would a chin remodelling surgery roughly cost?
I am considering some surgery to correct the appearance of my nose.
I would like to have a nose surgery.
Iam interested finding out about SkinTite, as a minimally invasive face/neck lift.
I was wondering if a buccal fat removal would help me with my issue?
My cheeks are quite chubby, how much does it cost for a buccal pad removal?
Is it possible to have the tops of the ear pinned back?
I have chubby cheeks, could buccal pad removal correct this?
I am interested in rhinoplasty and I would like to have a consultation.
Could you give me a typical price for a shortening of the nose, nasal tip reduction and nostril alteration?
I am considering getting the tip of my nose changed as it looks like a ski ramp side-on.
I am considering getting the tip of my nose changed as it looks like a ski ramp side-on.
I am 45, am I too old to have a nose job?
Can anything be done with my dark, tired, saggy, baggy lower eye contour?
I would love to come to UK for a buccal fat removal.
I have an ugly nose shape and I would like to have a rhinoplasty.
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Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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