Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
My concern is that my chin and jaw seem to just blend into each other.
I am of Pakistani origin and have a nasal hump as well as a bulbous dropping tip that I have been looking to correct for a number of years.
I am a 20 year old male caucasian, with a boxy tip and thick skin, I am looking for refinement of the tip.
I am interested in having a nose job to correct my asymmetrical nostrils and refine my slightly bulbous tip.
I have a really big chin, I am only 16 now but in the future is it possible to get it smaller through surgery?
I need a columella scar revision but I had silicone injections.
Would Mr Ion be able to improve my chin neck area without a general anaesthesia?
My concern is about my excessive tip length, apart from rotation, can it really be decreased by surgery?
After a nose surgery I still have a very long and wide nose and still small hump remaining.
I want to have my nose fixed so that I look normal again.
The side of my nose is thick, could this be revised in a revision rhinoplasty?
Could cheek implants be a solution for me after suffering from morphea?
Is there any procedure you could recommend for reshaping the nostrils?
I am looking at getting a square chin implant together with a premaxillary implant.
How many otoplasty procedures you have performed and whether it is something you specialise in?
I need help with options available to me for sculpting my face, my jowls in particular.
I am interested in nasal bump removal.
I am suffering of pemphigus vulgaris and I would like to know if I can be a right candidate for rhinoplasty?
What are the chances of the removal of fat looking uneven or puckered?
I recently had a rhinoplasty procedure for a large hump removal and now I have a visible indentation on my bridge.
I am interested in reshaping and narrowing the tip of my nose but it seems I have too much skin on the tip.
Would Propecia treatment affect healing following rhinoplasty?
I had previous nose surgery and my columella scar did not heal well, can you fix this in office?
How long till you would perform a revision rhinoplasty?
How long it would be before I could go back to work without people noticing I had buccal fat reduction done?
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with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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