Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I recently had a blepharoplasty and the swelling is still there.
Would it be possible to have a consultation and the chin lift within the same day?
I have a problem with one of my cheekbones, the left is far too prominent and sticks out.
I want to transform my face into an oval one.
I had rhinoplasty a number of years ago and the swelling is quite bad.
I am interested to have a 3D rhinoplasty planning.
Can you give me some advice as I am considering revision rhinoplasty elsewhere?
Can you straighten a crooked nose?
I have a bulbous and wide nose with thick skin.
Is it an advantage or disadvantage to have thick skin for rhinoplasty?
I have one very deep vertical frown line and it is getting worst as I age.
What is the general rough price for rhinoplasty reduction?
Would it be possible to see some of your revision rhinoplasty patients?
I am considering rhinoplasty but I have come across something called polly beak.
Would you recommend the Endotine for dropped cheeks?
I am a 46 year old male and I have always been unhappy with my appearance.
I was looking to lose fat in my face, chest, stomach and thighs.
I have cleft lip and palate and also a big nose.
I have a bump on the bridge of my nose.
I believe I need malar facial implants as it seems undeveloped.
I have quite a big bridge on my nose and it is really really bothering me.
I am a women of 52 years who is exploring the prospect of having a neck lift.
Do you do frontal bossing and rhinoplasty?
I have undefined jaw, neck and mild jowls.
I am looking into having chin reduction surgery.
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Questions? Just ask.
Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation
with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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Facial rejuvenation
Breast surgery
Body contouring
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