Questions & Answers The Surgical Experience About Anaesthesia 

Face Surgery FAQ

Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)

Since I was 19 I wanted my nose to be more balanced with the rest of my face.

I was born with a bilateral cleft lip and it left me with a larger than average nose.

I want to reduce my nostril size, as they flare a lot when I smile.

I am interested in having a rhinoplasty and chin implants.

I am trying to find a surgeon that specialises in black noses.

I need a nose surgery, could you let me know my options?

How much does a chin surgery cost?

How much does a cheek reduction cost?

I have loose skin on my neck, I would love if it could be a little tighter.

I have a very large chin, I would like it to be sorted.

What is the price for the buccal fat excision?

I have a deviated septum, would NHS provide funding for septorhinoplasty or only for septoplasty?

I am interested in a procedure to bring more masculine balance to my face.

I am now looking to have my chin reduced.

Does your capsulectomy and exchange of implants include a choice of teardrop implants?

What procedures are there to remove under eye dark circles?

If I am still unhappy with my nose after it has fully healed, do you offer a revision?

Is it possible to undergo facelift and neck lift with just local anaesthesia?

I dislike my pointed tip and bump and I am considering nose surgery.

After the initial consultation, how long would it be before surgery?

My doctor suggested to have a 3D scan, do you provide such?

I am HIV positive and would like to know which are the possible risks for a rhinoplasty?

If someone got high blood pressure, can still get the rhinoplasty done?

What are your experiences regarding removal of a medpore implant and correcting asymmetry

How much would a nose job cost?

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call now to book an appointment Questions? Just ask. Talk to our helpful team or book a consultation with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757