Your questions answered by our surgeon, Lucian Ion, FRCS(Plast)
I have a really bulbous nose tip and my nose is quite large.
i have had several nhs operations on my nose, I was born with hare lip and cleft palette.
Can you fix nostril asymmetry, one of my nostrils is higher than the other?
I've damaged my nose (drug abuse) and need to fix a small hole in my septum.
Do patient that has nose tip surgery (narrowing of the nostrils and tip) has to go under total anaesthesia?
Would you say alar batten grafts to fix nasal valve collapse is a relatively simple procedure? What is …
I am a 26 year old male with a rather large bulbous nose and the tip that meets the nostrils is slightly lop sided.
I am from Philippines but lives in London I want to ko now the cost of surgery (enhancement of the …
I had a rhinoplasty done 17 years ago and I feel like nose tip is too round and when I smile as if it was pointing down.
I have marfans syndrome and i am currently on warfarin and also considering rhinoplasty.
Is there a maximum age you would recommend the buccal fat removal be carried out?
I am a 26 year old Black British woman very interested in rhinoplasty, in particular tip reduction and nostril reduction.
I want to remove my dark circles permanently.
I'm originally Nigerian and desperately want a nose job.
Can you use the HydraFacial on any part of the skin? Like for problem skin after shaving?
I noticed that my nose curves to the right and makes my facial features asymmetrical.
Is it safe for me to continuously have filler in the tip of my nose?
Would you be able to reconstruct my nose with closed tip procedure? As I scar badly.
Can you fix unsymetrical nostrils and make them look symmetrical?
Hi, I am interested in tip refinement or revision rhinoplasty surgery. I underwent rhinoplasty procedure in 2011 and my hump …
I have loved my nose all of my life up to the age of about 16. My nose looks perfect from the front view, but as I aged, now 24, I got a bump and a very manly looking pointed nose from the profile.
I want the tip of my nose reduced, can this be done by closed nasal surgery or will it be open?
I would like to know the advisability of male neck skin removal at 75 and the likely costs and recuperation time involved?
I was wondering, can I see a simulated picture about how it will probably turn out?
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Questions? Just ask.
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with Mr Lucian Ion. Call 0207 486 7757
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